ReThink Leadership started out with Reggie Joiner, the founder and CEO of Orange, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to influence those who influence the next generation. Orange provides resources and training for churches and organizations that create environments for parents, kids and teenagers.
- I had an ADD approach to ministry. ADD - random approach to ministry. The mission and vision statement of most of us have is very similar. It's not really your vision that determines your success. It is your strategy. It is what you do with your resources and align them to accomplish with the end in mind. It's your strategy not your mission Ultimately determines your success.Strategy is a plan of action with an end in mind.
Staying alignment with your team or staff. Alignment
You don't have to work to get misaligned as a team. It is what happens. What we have to be intentional about is alignment. Misalignment just happens over time.
- There are a lot of great organizations that close because they don’t have a great strategy.
- The alignment makes the difference in accomplishing something.
- The first question we ask is “What do we want someone to become?”
- Another question is “Where do we want them to be?” If you can only get people to come to one thing, what would that one thing be?
- You can’t get your team on the same page if you don’t get them in the same room.
- If you don’t economize on the time when you can put your team around the table focusing on the right end in mind, you’ll create a different kind of momentum.