Doug Fields hit it out of the park on Friday! I have read so many of Doug's books over the years--Doug is a youth ministry veteran of over 30 years and had authored more than 50 books.
- 50% of all churched kids will leave when they graduate.
- They become program dependent and person dependent. And when the programs and people are gone, so is their faith.
- We can’t just teach them what to believe on Sunday. We have to teach them to serve on Monday.
- I want them to graduate as ministers. A minister sees a need and meets it.
- 80 minutes on Sunday is not enough. Walking with Jesus is 10,080 minutes.
- What if changed the measuring stick from sitting on Sunday to serving on Monday?
- We count people because that’s what we’ve always done. We count people because we’re lazy and that’s what we’ve always done. We count people because we’re insecure and we need attendance numbers to validate ourselves and give us something to tweet.
- Attendance numbers are a crack pipe for an addict.
- I can get distracted from my ministry calling by my ministry numbers.
- The yardstick is those who are missing, not those who are present.
- Attendance numbers and offering numbers are the true Alpha and Omega.
- What if we changed our language and painted a verbal picture of what our kids could be?
- As a leader, the language you choose to utilize are important. Words matter. Words can alter a person’s life.
- What if we called them ministers instead of graduates?
- What if we stopped telling children they are the future of the church? What if we told them they are the church?
- Leadership is not being cute, fun and popular. Leadership is serving.
- When you engage non-Christian students into serving opportunities, you ignite something in that kid.
- What a kid does affects what a kid believes. – Reggie Joiner
- When a kid does what they were created to do they acknowledge there might be a creator.
- You don’t disciple kids from a stage. You disciple kids up close.
- What if we changed our emphasis from eternal life when you die to Kingdom life when you’re alive?
- The church has been strong on communicating the path to Heaven.
- Kingdom living is available today.
- Jesus never said, “Lead me.” He said, “Follow me.”
- You’re never more like Jesus than when you serve