Friday Funnies

Are you all ready for the weekend?  We're going to an amusement park and then taking our older son to church camp.  Busy, busy!  Here are my 3 most recent pins to my funnies board on Pinterest.  Hope you get a chuckle out of them!

kanye dating advice, kanye kim kardashian, kanye marriage, kanye wedding, funny wedding advice, funny dating advice, engagement party sign, funny sign, funny restaurant sign, funny advice, kanye ego
Wise dating advice

nothing cures insomnia like realizing it's time to get up, insomnia ecard, insomnia joke, tired joke, sleep joke, sleep funny
Ugh. We've all been there.

tired since 2008, tired since 2003, tired since 1997, tired meme, ecard meme, someecard tired, best ecards, hilarious ecards, true ecards, mom ecards, teacher ecards
More like 2003 for me. :)
You don't have to wait until next Friday for more funnies...check out my Pinterest board where I'm constantly adding things that make me laugh:

You matter to God. You matter to Us.

At, the goal is that every guest who walks in the door will get this above all: You matter to God. Of course it’s much easier to share when those guests first realize that they matter to oneChurch—right where they are.
If our guests can’t say, ‘Wow! I’m impressed!’ within their first 10 minutes on campus, then we have failed. Somewhere between parking the car and checking their kids into our Children’s environments, those 10 minutes pass. 10 minutes of opportunity for us to make an impact, to create a reason for our guests to at least think to themselves, ‘This is not what I expected’—in a good way, of course.
They may discover their “wow” moment in the fact that they are neither pounced on nor left to flounder when they walk through the lobby, not knowing exactly where to go or how to get there. They may smell it in the aroma of popcorn, donuts, or coffee wafting through an inviting café area. No matter how your guests find that “wow” experience—before the music starts, before the “message” of the service is delivered—they will have received a clear message already. They are valued. Because the sermon--the message--starts in the parking lot.

We're Moving!! will soon be moving our Sunday services
to a new location and new times!!


If you haven't heard, the CMCSS school system has started moving forward in phasing out churches meeting in schools long term. The school administration back in 2008 made the decision to allow churches to meet in schools, so our young, 1 year-old church moved from the movie theater into Northeast High School.  


We are excited about moving back into the Movie Theater at Exit One!! launched on September 9th, 2007 in the movie theater, and it was such a tremendous experience! People who don't go to church DO go to the movies, so a church meeting in a place where everyone naturally hangs out is a HUGE plus. 88% of people in Clarksville don't go to church anywhere, but 90% of people here in Clarksville went to the movies last month. By going back to the movie theater, we stay in the location of Exit one until we are able to go vertical with our building on our land right next to Sonic off of Exit one.


Our last service at Northeast will be June 26th. We will NOT have services on July 3rd, so we can make sure we launch BIG on July 10th at the Regal / Great Escape 16 Movie Theater with new service times: 9:00am and 10:30am. 

How can I help? Three ways.

1. Tell other people. We are going to blow this up on social media, but you can help us do that. Share the graphic embedded in this e-mail on social media. Tag We have intentionally allowed quite a bit of time before the transition happens so we can get the word out, but some people only go to church once a month. So tell everyone!!
2. Invite your friends. Be intentional to invite your neighbors, friends, and coworkers to the church that meets at the movie theater. We will help by giving you invite cards to hand out. Tell other people about the church where everyone is welcome, nobody's perfect, and anything's possible!!
3. Give. This transition from the school to the movie theater, if we’re going to do it right, should cost around $10,000. We will be taking up a special offering on Sunday, June 26th so we can help defer some of that cost. We will need to purchase a new video projector that will fill the screen at the movie theater, more signage, and we need to get the word out about the move with a direct mailer. More about giving at the end…


Our last Service at NEHS will be June 26th, 2016.
NO Sunday services on Sunday, July 3rd so to prepare for our new launch the following Sunday.
Our first service at the Regal / Great Escape 16 Movie Theater will be July 10th, 2016 with new service times: 9:00am and 10:30am. 
    Why did oneChurch originally move from the movie theater? What were the reasons we left? A few reasons. First, we outgrew the theater the adults were having worship in. In 2007, technology didn’t exist for us to stream an overflow service to a theater right next to where we were meeting. In 2016, that technology does exist and when we get full, we have the capability to use the next theater as an overflow. Second, the movie theater and General Managers were changing hands, so it was just a natural transition for us to move to NEHS. Third, going to NEHS allowed us to have a little bit longer services because there was no pressure to get out at a certain time. It is this third reason why we are changing our service times, and shortening our services and the time in-between the two worship times. 
    Are we going to leave Northeast High School well? You bet! Our goal is to leave the school better than we found it, and for that reason we are donating a video projector and side screens we mounted a few years ago so that NEHS drama, band, and choir can continue to use it.
    What things are we going to do to serve the Regal / Great Escape 16 Movie Theater employees well? We will give the employees gift cards from time to time, offer to help clean and maintain the theater, and any other way we can show God's love to them!
    What about money? How much will this cost? The cost to rent the movie theater will be $700 a week, which is about what we're paying to rent Northeast High School. There will be the added costs of doing some reprinting of invite cards, getting new directional banners and signage, and having to purchase lighting for worship. As you know, movie theaters are very dim and dark, so we will have to do our lighting differently so that people can see!!
    What are the pros and cons of the move?
Pros: Way less set up and tear down at the theater. Fantastic environment that is well maintained, looks good and smells good. A bigger foyer space to hang out after the service. Not enough parking at NEHS no longer a problem--TONS of parking at the movies! We will ALWAYS have air conditioning!! We can have oneChurch movie days where after the Sunday service, we stick around and go to a movie together!! Great way to invite friends to church!!
Cons: Have to change our service times to 9:00 & 10:30. Shorter services. Have a deadline to be out of the theater (if not, they start showing movies!!). Have to tear down quickly. Can't do Nights of worship at the theater (CAN do them at the oneChurch offices). Will probably have to do Trunk or Treat and Bunny Breakfast at NEHS parking lot.
    All About Giving Historically, in the summer months a lot of new people visit oneChurch, but giving goes down because people travel. We will have some expenditures with this move, so you can do 3 things:
First? I would encourage you to become a percentage giver. What do I mean by that? Take whatever you make, and take a percentage of your income and give it to God. In the Bible, God's command is for us to give to God by giving 10% to the church. I know that sounds scary, right? But start with a percentage. 4%? 6%?
Second, if you are a percentage giver, pray about increasing your percent. If you're currently giving 4%, increase it to 6% and watch how God will provide. He will. I am living proof of that!!

Third, I would encourage you to set up your giving online. THIS IS HUGE!! Why? Because when you go to the beach and aren't at church? You still are faithful in giving! You can go to and click the GIVE tab. You create your username and password, and set up the amount, when you want your offering to come out of your account, and how often. It is totally secure, and you can stop it at any time. You pay your bills online and set up automatic payments, why not automate your giving the same way? Thanks for partnering with us as we create churches unchurched people love to attend so we can together lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ!

A Christian's response to the tragedy in Orlando

A lot of people have been asking me what Christians response should be to the tragedy of the shootings in Orlando. If you are a Christ follower, I would encourage you to think twice before responding about this over social media. And here's why: that this happened in a gay bar shouldn't even come up. The fact of the matter is, everyone is made in the image of God. We all struggle with sin, but in a different ways. 

So here is what we pray for: We pray for justice for the people who have been killed and injured, and that God will somehow use this to capture everyone's hearts and bring them into a relationship with a Heavenly Father that loves them. I'm sure a lot Hateful Christians-- which should be an oxymoron -- will spew venom all over social media and continue to close doors for the church to love and influence to a group who already feel alienated by religion and the church. Hate-filled Christians will start to cry that the reason why this happened because God's judgment. Well think of it this way: if God judged all of us for our sin? None of us would be alive. In fact, that is the reason why Jesus died on the cross-- He died for our sins. Praying for those who lost their lives and that God will use this somehow to let everyone know that God longs to have a relationship with everyone.

Friday Funnies: Hair Cut Fail

Happy Friday everyone!  Hope your June is off to a good start. Here are 3 hair fails for you today.

This one has been around awhile but it will never stop being funny.
haircut fail, hair fail, hair style fail, half a haircut

hair funny, stylist humor, hair salon funny, hair style fail, haircut fail, hair fail, hair meme

ocean hair, supermodel hair, supermodel hair fail, haircut fail, haircut funny, hair stylist humor

Can't wait until next Friday for more funnies?  My humor board on Pinterest gets bigger every day. Follow or stop by to get a laugh any day of the week: click here

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