- The nones & the dones - We’re moving into a territory where people can’t tell us what to do. We’re moving into a post-church America.
- We are at a reformation-level point. We can continue to do what we've been doing, or we can change. We're moving into a post-church America. 90% of Colorado don't go to church.
- In environments where failure is not an option you will fail- @GeoffSurratt #RL16
What churches who are winning with Millenials:
• Churches and Leaders have to be more transparent. They want to know if you, the pastor, are the real deal. Will you be onstage what you are off stage?
• Churches winning with millennials are doing an incredible job with collaboration. The millennials don’t just want to know what’s going on. They want to be deciding what’s going on. They want a seat at the table and be heard. They want to be a part of deciding what is going on. We as a church have to bring them in and let them lead. Millenials rate everything.
In an environment where failure is not an option, failure is always an option. Failure should be a requirement.
• Churches winning with millennials have figured out mission a different way. What is a 24 / 7 mission look like? Short terms missions – vacation with a purpose. We don't just jump on the Social Justice train. Because sometimes social justice is a train that doesn't lead to Jesus. Social Justice is important, but how do we lead them to Jesus. Some millennials are about social justice because they clicked like on their Facebook page.
• Churches winning with millennials have figured out mission a different way. What is a 24 / 7 mission look like? Short terms missions – vacation with a purpose. We don't just jump on the Social Justice train. Because sometimes social justice is a train that doesn't lead to Jesus. Social Justice is important, but how do we lead them to Jesus. Some millennials are about social justice because they clicked like on their Facebook page.
• Authentic and transparent. Is your organization the real deal. The new generation wants transparency in leadership, collaboration, mission, authenticity & messiness in church - @GeoffSurratt #RL16 #OC16
• Churches winning with millennials have learned to live with the mess. You sort through it one life at a time. Flat irons church in Boulder, views on Yelp To win millennials you need to learn to live in a mess. @GeoffSurratt #OC16 #RL16
• The Bible says do not be weary in well-doing, because at just the right time, God will bring a harvest. We’re just getting started. The future of the church is incredible.