Jim Mellado - A Healthy Soul - ReThink Leadership 2016

Jim Mellado is the President and CEO of Compassion International, a Christian child sponsorship organization dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty around the world. Jim Mellado previously served as President of the Willow Creek Association (WCA) in South Barrington, Illinois, from 1993 to 2013.

As Compassion International’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Jim Mellado has a deep love and passion for the beauty and potential of local churches fulfilling their Jesus-given mandate to redeem and restore this world for His name’s sake. 
  • It takes an All hands on deck approach to raise up that next generation of children. If children's ministry is a sub of something? Then it's not a priority.
  • The most important thing you can bring to your team is your healthy soul. Great gifts will take a leader to a level that cannot be sustained without a strong soul and character. Most often, when teams break up and split up, it is because your unhealthy.
  • Great gifts will take a leader to a level that they cannot sustain with an absence of a soul and character.
  • Hell is not just a destination, but a diagnosis of a soul today. The implications of a dead soul are devastating. A rotten soul never stays to itself.

“He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”
Isaiah 53:2 NIV

How irresistible is our soul to those around us for the right reasons?

Our spirit: There is a difference between a spirit or soul. Your spirit is what makes you, you. The spirit is what makes you most uniquely you. Inside your spirit, you and I have a free will. The most dangerous and unique part of your heart is free will. The will best works well when surrendered to Jesus.
Our minds. Our thoughts and our feelings. Every thought has a feeling attached to it. Patterns of thoughts get ingrained. Our minds need to be renews and transformed. Our reflexive reaction needs to be like Jesus.
Our body. The body is what the will can actually master. We often overestimate what our will can do. 95% of our behavior is automatic. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Our appetites. Habits eat willpower for breakfast. We overestimate what our flesh can do.
Our relationships. 1 in 6 pastors deal with addictions that are destroying their life. Of those that are dealing with those addictions? 20% aren't seeking any help at all.

  • The soul is the white stuff-the glue-that keeps everything together. When a soul is working right? It radiates! When a soul is working right, it radiates.

  • Definition of the Latin word diabolical is to fragment and to compartmentalize. Their life of falling apart. Disintegration and oblivion. Sin and our blind spots. When someone says, “It feels like my life is falling apart”, that is actually what is happen
  • Life in leadership is hard. Life in leadership alone is impossible.
  • If anyone is suffering alone, don’t go there. 

So before you work on your team skills? Work on your soul.

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”
Matthew 16:26 NIV