Catalyst 2016 - Andy Stanley, Connecting the Dots

I do believe the Bible. I have been criticized by people in seminaries who lead classes but not churches. I don’t apologize for how I preach because what’s the next generation worth – Everything.

Organizational health always results in sustained impact.
Platform talent does not result in sustained impact.
When you have a healthy organization, you can lose stage talent and still have a sustained impact.
We have the most important organization in the world.
We should have such a great organization the world comes to us.
Women should be more honored on a church staff than any other organization in the world.

Healthy people are attracted to healthy organizations.
In a healthy organization every person should feel they have a critical role. In a healthy organization, everyone is convinced that everyone is essential.
            Example: a sports team
In healthy organizations, personal accountability is high and collaboration is essential.
If you decide to be a great leader once you have an important role in leadership, you will never have an important role in leadership. You start where you are.
I’m constantly looking for people who can handle more and more responsibility.

3 Questions
  1. 1.     What are we doing?
  2. 2.     Why are we doing it?
  3. 3.     Where do I fit in?

 “What are we doing?” – Everyone should answer this the same.
Everybody knows what they are doing. The question is does everybody knows what we are doing? If me isn't connected to we, then we have sideways energy and we will lose focus. What we are doing is what makes me an important part of this organization.
When everybody knows what we are doing, most decisions are premade. When everybody knows what we are doing most decisions are pre-decided.
One of the best habits you can make as a leader is not making decisions. One of the greatest habits you can make as a leader is saying, “You decide!”

If the “What” is fuzzy you will be dragged into many unnecessary conversations.
The process of answering questions is more important than the product.

Draw people to Jesus by creating and operating churches designed to attract and engage unchurched people.
We create churches unchurched people love to attend.
We keep the lowest rung on the ladder very visible. You can belong before you can believe.
We create and operate churches designed to attract unchurched people.
We do not create churches for unchurched people. We do everything the New Testament church does.
We’re creating churches unchurched people love to attend. We’re creating a church you can belong before you believe.
The only reason you don’t have a pithy statement is because you have taken the time to develop one.
We draw people to marry. We’re baiting them in. We don’t marry. We just setup the date.

Why Are We Doing it? Everyone should answer this the same. This defines your inspiration.
·      The question why is where you find your inspiration. This answers, "What's at stake?" What goes away if our church disappears?

NP platform answer used to be: Everybody lives forever somewhere.
NP platform answer is this: Following Jesus will make you better and make you better at life. 
·      This addresses Jesus' initial invitation for people to follow Him.
·      Following Jesus has made my life better, and I’ve got to be honest, made me better at life.
·      I’m able to forgive and that made my life better.
·      I’m a better father. I’m a better husband.
We want people who would never give church a second thought to give the church a first thought.

Where Do I Fit In? – Everybody who reports to you needs to know your answer to this question.
How does what I do contribute to what we’re doing?
This is about the responsibility you carry, not the job you do.
Develop one sentence Responsibility Descriptions to this question. This is not a job description. This is the ONE thing I will hold you responsible for.
Everybody who reports to you needs to have an answer to this question.  Or their, answer, but your answer.
Develop one sentence responsibility descriptions for all of your direct reports. Memorable is portable.

If all else fails, here’s the one thing you need to know I’ll hold you responsible for.
Leaders do what only they can do.
When I show up on Sundays I work for the Program Director.

I don’t care if the Director of Care cares. I care if they create environments and systems that provide care.