Looking at Entitlement

Tomorrow at oneChurch.tv, we're in week 2 of our Starve the Monster series, where we're talking about starving the monster of entitlement. (If you missed last week, you can click HERE to watch week 1.)

We said last week that Entitlement is thinking that you have the right to something that is actually a privilege.

A couple of things you should know that is coming up at oneChurch.tv...

  • First, Pastor Chris challenged everyone last week in week 1 of Starve the Monster to not go shopping on Thanksgiving Day. Stay at home with family and friends. We're encouraging everyone to post a picture on social media on Thanksgiving with the hashtag #thanksnotthings. One of the biggest litmus test of entitlement is a lack of gratitude and thankfulness. It is called Thanksgiving, not Things Getting. So this Thanksgiving? Both for your own sake, and out of respect for the retail staff who get drug into coming to work on a day they should have off with family, stay at home. Which leads me to my second point...
  • Second, we want you to Share Your Thanksgiving! We know that our church is full of individuals or families who don't have any immediate family to hang out with over Thanksgiving. We also have plenty of families who have extra room around their kitchen table. Would you be interested in hosting an individual or family for Thanksgiving? Do you need a place to go for Thanksgiving? Click HERE to host folks at your house, or click HERE to sign up to be a part of someone's Thanksgiving festivities!

Tomorrow is a great day to come to church--whether you're here in the Clarksville area or moved away--you can join us at oneChurch.tv at our online campus! You should try it! Click HERE  to watch the worship and the teaching, chat with one of our oneChurch.tv volunteers, and even participate in the offering by giving. See you at church tomorrow!!