Starve the Monster Starts this Weekend!

  • Don't forget - Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend! Set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night. We hope you enjoy the extra rest, and we can't wait to see you on Sundaymorning at 9 or 11! 
  • Last Sunday's Trunk or Treat was amazing! This was the second year we served our community by throwing a Trunk or Treat for the exit 1 area. This year, we had more people, more activities, and a WAY MORE trunks!! You guys knocked it out of the park! Make sure to post your pics of the event on the Facebook page. Click HERE to post your pics!
  • Don't forget that if you invited anyone to Trunk or Treat to invite them to church this Sunday. 
We start a new series this weekend called Starve the Monster. What is it about? Well, there’s a small monster that lives inside most of us. It always wants just a little more. A little more money. A little more food. A little more of anything we want. Feed the monster, and he grows. Eventually, you begin to feel entitled to anything the monster wants. In this series, Pastor Chris will share some key lessons on how to shrink the monster of entitlement that lives inside all of us.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 9:00 or 11:00 at, meeting at Northeast High School on Trenton Road at Exit One.